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Dina Bonnevie be married again?

Dina Bonnevie is very happy and blooming now in her life and career. She just signe a contract endorsement of a wellness center. According to her, the secret is to be beautiful inside and out, "I just really started eating right and I tried to fast muna just to flash out all the toxins in my body and then flash out the negative feelings".

But the most interesting that is happening to her life is with her businessman boyfriend who somewhat asking her about marrying again.

"I don't wanna put it in my head basta he just pop that question...what do you think? know maybe its better if we're really together officially...I think God will bless us more...He is asking if it's okey to be together forever, so sabi ko will okey let's talk about it..". Dina didn't give anymore details about it.

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